Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our new daily routine

Lex and his business partner Don started a logistics company
and they are at work by 7AM!

This is Lex hard at work at the new office.

So we have all been going to bed earlier
and waking up earlier.
I get up when Lex leaves just before 7AM
and Cyrus wakes up about a half hour later.

The other day Cyrus and I watched the sun rise together because he woke up at 7:28AM. He surprisingly just sat and watched out the window with me for a good 15 minutes while he woke up.

Peach and Pear Processing Extravaganza 2008!

Our wonderful new neighbor Jessica brought her daughters Lane and Evyn and went with Cyrus and me to pick peaches and a pears.

Grandma Bassett helped me get all of mine canned. It was so much fun to learn all about how she does her canning. I also froze some to use for peach cobbler and made some AMAZING Peach Jam with a recipe my mom gave me.

Cyrus was my big helper through the whole process. Thanks Cyrus... and everyone else who helped!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We're having a baby!

We are excited to be expecting another baby...
due March 16th. We will find out if it's a boy or girl
on October 27th, but Cyrus is already certain it's a girl.
Let us know what your guess is!

Jana took my first pregnancy picture in her new studio
she put together upstairs. She always does a fabulous job!...
but I always feel so goofy getting my picture taken all alone.
A great big thanks to MaLea who gave me her winter maternity clothes. I would be freezing already if it weren't for her. THANKS YOU!

Cyrus' 2nd Birthday: the Pirate Party

ARRR... Matey! Please please, I want some pirate presents, and a Thomas the Train and some Transformer toys!

Make a wish! mmm... Delicious!
Cyrus adores all his aunts and uncles.

Karlee got Cyrus an AWESOME Pirate Mr. Potato Head,
Aunt Yeeta and Uncle Kirk got him a Cozy Coup,
and Logan got him a Transformers set with a movie.
That household is definitely the most guilty of spoiling him.

LOVE, Cyrus

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fun in the new house!!!

Don't Cyrus and Jack look so big and handsome?

Since we've moved into our new home, Cyrus and Jack have been
playing together all the time since Jack has been building
up his toughness and Cyrus has been building up his kindness!

Big Summer Move

What a relief to have our move over with and to finally be unpacked and settled. As most of you know, we loved our other house! Unfortunately it was an investment that wasn't paying...
but we are now in another wonderful house and still have such amazing memories from the old house.

Just before we moved Cyrus got an awesome big boy hair cut.
He looks so big, and as a matter of fact, he is so big!
At his two-year appointment, he measured in the 90th percentile for his height.
He also knows more words and speaks in better sentances
than any other two-year-old I know!

More of our trip to Texas

We were so excited to see Dale, Cindy, James and
Shinook in Killeen, TX.
We can't wait until we get to see them again.

Our next stop in Fredericksberg, TX to see Chris, Jessica
and Mackenzie was such an awesome yet short visit.
I think that if we ever move, we'll be moving there.

We had a wonderful reunion with Anthony, Leesa and Madison,
and got to meet Marlee for the first time during our
visit to The Woodlands and the beach at Surfside.

Erin's Boise State Graduation Spring 2008

Summer break has been wonderful.
Fall Semester has started again... I'm not going...
It feels great!